There is something warm and inviting about handling a product made of wood. Whether you’re sitting in it, writing with it, or invoking a sound from it, wood, in all its natural wonder and beauty, is amazing!

WhitnerWoodworks, based in Leander, Texas designs and crafts handmade wood items with attention, care, and detail. Initially, creating for family and friends, I wanted to build heirlooms for everyone who loves and enjoys unique and custom crafted wood furniture and art. Each piece starts with a choice of quality wood and a detailed idea to create something new and wonderful for your family and friends to enjoy for a lifetime.

If you have any questions or want to reach out, I’d love to hear from you. Contact me anytime!


I developed a love for shaping wood into useful objects in grade school. (You know the kind of class where you make toy wooden trucks.) Later in my twenties, I always had a table saw and some hand tools to build things with, but it wasn’t until my late thirties when my wife purchased me a midi lathe for Christmas that I decided to turn my garage into a woodworking shop. That was over 25 years ago and my love for shaping wood is still growing.

In an age where everything is disposable, and everything is made to be replaced instead of rebuilt, I find it refreshing that there is a small movement in this country (artesian at its core) to go back to crafting things by hand. Building things that last. Beautiful things that mean something. Things you would pass down to your kids.

My vision is to build and sell quality, handcrafted, custom wooden heirlooms that are artistic as well as functional.